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SCP-160, shortly after burrowing into the foot of a Class D host

Item #: SCP-160

Object Class: Euclid

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-160 and its host are housed in secure quarters at Site █, and must remain under surveillance at all times. Experimentation on SCP-160 may only be performed with prior permission from at least two (2) Level 2 personnel.

If symptoms of Stage 3 transformation are observed, Site █ security should be notified and arrangements for a new host must be made immediately. Personnel must observe full Nuclear-Biological-Chemical (NBC) isolation and protection when handling deceased SCP-160 hosts.

Description: SCP-160 is a species of worm-like parasitic creatures approximately 30 mm in length and 2 mm in diameter when fully grown. Specimens of SCP-160 are extremely delicate and cannot survive outside of a living human host for more than 24 hours, thus necessitating the maintenance of a designated host for SCP-160.

When SCP-160 comes in contact with the skin of a living human, it burrows quickly and painlessly into the body, often times without the host noticing. Within the next 24 to 48 hours, SCP-160 will begin to produce thousands of eggs that will spread within its host's bloodstream. These eggs will hatch into larvae within six (6) to eight (8) days from time of initial infection.

Stage two begins when SCP-160's eggs hatch into larva, and begin to feed by consuming any and all living tissues in its host's body. At the same time, the larvae will replace the tissues they consume, which can result in infected hosts being difficult to identify. As the host's brain tissue is consumed, the host's mental state also quickly regresses until the host exhibits severe mental retardation, thus making the host unable to communicate its condition despite the extreme physical pain from the SCP-160 larva feeding. It has also been theorized that the mental regression may serve to force the host to rely upon care given by others, thus increasing the chance for SCP-160 to spread to new hosts. Stage two can last anywhere from one (1) to six (6) months.

In the final stage, SCP-160's host will begin to quickly deteriorate as critical body tissues are consumed, such as that of the heart, lungs, and brain stem. Stage three usually lasts no longer than one week before the host expires, typically from major organ failure. If the host is still capable of movement at this point, the host will seek a way to enter a water source (whether a natural stream or lake, or a drain that may lead to a water source) and immerse itself in water. After the death of its host, SCP-160 and any remaining adult specimens will burrow out from the corpse and into the water supply, where it may infect new hosts through contact or ingestion. In severe cases, only the skin and bones of the host remain.

SCP-160 was discovered on █/█/19██ near [DATA EXPUNGED], and came to the Foundation's attention during a routine screening of anomalous hospital cases. Upon identification of SCP-160, the entire hospital staff and all patients were terminated and incinerated, and the incident disguised as the result of a terrorist biological weapon attack. The exact number of civilians exposed to SCP-160 is still unknown at this time, and Foundation field agents have been alerted to the possibility of additional outbreaks.

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