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Item #: SCP-366

Object Class: Euclid

Special Containment Procedures: All samples of SCP-366 are to be kept in a small, sub-zero freezer in sealed, airtight containers and only to be handled by at least Class-2 personnel wearing full biohazard suits. Personnel involved in handling or experimentation with SCP-366 are not to be allowed physical contact with other people, food, or toilet seats (and all clothes worn while handling are to be burned) until they have been completely scrubbed down and undergone a brief testing period to establish a lack of infestation.

Infested personnel are to be kept in quarantine, with all waste products and clothing routinely burned. Unless testing is in operation, no medical action is to be taken except to administer painkillers and, in the case of an emergency, blood transfusions and potentially surgery to manually remove the infestation should it become hostile or agitated. Infested personnel are not to be fed certain well-known herbal remedies or citrus fruits, and allowed hot baths upon request. Bathtubs should immediately be sterilized via chemical wash and high heat.

During testing and surgery, all surgical tools and biohazard suits should be sterilized, and if the situation permits, destroyed after use.

Live, fully grown specimens of SCP-366 should be contained in sealed, airtight containers and either frozen for testing, or incinerated at high heat.

Infected male personnel are to be placed in quarantine for a minimum of one month, under frequent observation, to observe the extent of infection and allow it to run its course until infection becomes fatal or subjects can be determined to be clear of infestation. Infected female personnel are to be placed in quarantine under medical observation twenty-four hours a day, and are encouraged to stay calm and relaxed best they can through the ordeal, with any degree of infection. If infestation has passed through personnel with no severe effects, they should abstain from sexual activity for a minimum of three months in order to determine their capability for infecting others, and the damage done to internal organ systems.

Description: Some debate has raged over SCP-366's origins. Certain parties believe that SCP 366 is a natural parasite, while others, noting its bizarre life cycle, believe it to be artificial. SCP-366 begins its life as an egg, one of potentially millions laid by its parent, barely .5mm of a sphere, and these eggs have proven resistant to all but extreme heat, subzero freezing, and produce a small amount of chemicals that can suppress an individual's immune system. SCP-366 eggs gestate in the human body, and are incredibly small, able to travel through the blood stream and into different organ systems, allowing for them to be found in the digestive tract, waste products, saliva, lymph…virtually anywhere or in anything in the human body. Eggs are relatively harmless and the only effects of their existence in an individual is a slight weakening of the immune system. Eggs are easy to pass from one individual to another.

The hatching of eggs is triggered by a number of occasions. An increase in certain hormonal outputs, commonly associated with happiness, adrenaline, ovulation in females, and sexual arousal will cause the eggs to hatch into microscopic larvae. After hatching, larvae instinctively 'swim' through the body via bloodstreams and whatever tissue they can worm or eat through to the reproductive organs. There are some slightly notable, but temporary signs of this happening, including minor muscle pain, upset stomach and heartburn, and in rare circumstances a small amount of blood in stools or spittle.

In males, the larvae settle in the seminal vesicles, where they lay potentially thousands of eggs each, before dying, never reaching adulthood. Some rare side effects that men may experience include muscle pain, a small amount of blood in urine and semen, and in rare cases internal bleeding may occur if SCP-366 is given sufficient hormonal stimulus to mature to adult form. In this case, immediate surgery to destroy the infestation if required. It takes at least a month for the infection to pass, in males, and has a small chance of re-infecting the host.

In females, the larvae settle in the uterus, where they attach to the lining of the uterus and quickly grow to adults in the space of a few hours, resembling meal worms. They remain inside the body and produce a number of unsettling effects, such as severe abdominal pains, blood loss, and eventually leave the body after three to six weeks as a mass of coagulated blood, dead adults, and either eggs or hatchlings that start to spread to find places to lay eggs and another host to infest. Personnel may request to be sedated during this period to prevent panic.

Infestations may be grouped into three general categories. Mild, Moderate, and Critical. Mild infestations are relatively simple, and cause little permanent damage to the host's body, and take one to two months to recover from. Moderate infestations are characterized by internal bleeding and damage from the grubs in both male and female personnel, resulting in potential infertility and often surgery is required to repair damage or remove infestation in non-reproductive organs.

Critical infestations are to be treated as a Class-1 biohazard, and are only slightly less frequent than mild or moderate infestations. In critical infestations, either the eggs or larvae travel through the body in excessive numbers, or are triggered to breed excessively, saturating the entire body with eggs and larvae capable of growing to full-sized adults in a matter of hours. The majority of Critical infestations are determined to be caused by a relatively common, recessive mutation in SCP-366, and may occur from any 366 individual during reproduction. Critical infestations are invariably fatal to the host, as what has been described as a "mass exodus" of worms and grubs from the host occurs over the space of fifteen minutes to a half-hour, often triggered by a hormonal rush after hatching, or a spike in adrenaline.

"Go to the archives and find the video of a Critical infestation ending. You can tell me about how fun revisiting lunch was later." - Dr. Rights

It should be noted that, despite all precautions, SCP-366 can still be found outside of the SCP Foundation's security. Small outbreaks are located every few years, typically among young adults who are sexually active. In these situations, individuals are to be taken into quarantine and explained has having caught a "rare, exotic parasite" that's highly contagious. Given proper incentive, they may be monitored and, if deemed necessary, have memory alterations put in place.

Critical infestations that occur outside of the SCP Foundation's security will result in a full quarantine of all individuals in contact with the deceased and their belongings. Infestations will be monitored, and memory alterations put in place without fail.

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