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SCP-420 in containment

Item #: SCP-420

Object Class: Safe

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-420 is currently stored in a high-security locker at Site-██. Use or experimentation on SCP-420 may only be done with O5 level approval, and no fewer than three (3) Level 2 personnel must observe all use of SCP-420. Any use of SCP-420 must also be recorded in Document [DATA EXPUNGED].

Description: SCP-420 is a gold-plated fountain pen, purportedly made by the [DATA EXPUNGED] company. SCP-420 is externally identical to other pens of its type, but contains a hidden chamber on the end opposite the nib. Several research personnel have reportedly seen the alligator carvings on the pen move out of the corner of their eyes, but this property has not been confirmed by direct observation.

When a drop of blood, a lock of hair, or a piece of nail is placed inside the hidden chamber and the pen is used to write, the writing will be a perfect copy of the handwriting of the person from whom the sample was taken. The quirks of the sample source's handwriting are also duplicated, from common spelling errors to punctuation and indentation. The user is also able to duplicate the source's signature with 99.99% accuracy when shown an original signature, and approximately 80% when no sample is provided.

SCP-420 was discovered when an unknown agent attempted to infiltrate the Foundation. Upon being confronted by suspicious security personnel after penetrating deep into Site-██, agent self-terminated using a concealed cyanide pill. SCP-420 was found in agent's possession, along with a hair sample from O5-█. Investigation into the agent's identity and parent organization, as well as how they obtained a sample from O5-█, is ongoing.

Experiment Log 420-1:
Date: █/██/200█
Subject: D-8891
Procedure: A lock of Dr. ██████'s hair inserted into SCP-420. Subject instructed to transcribe a document written by Dr. ██████.
Details: Despite having been shown to have poor handwriting, Subject managed to copy Dr. ██████'s document with accuracy exceeding 99.9%.

Date: █/██/200█
Subject: D-8891
Procedure: A piece of Agent ███████'s nail inserted into SCP-420. Subject instructed to transcribe a document written by Agent ███████.
Details: Transcribed document only showed roughly 49.7% match to document written by Agent ███████, and 50.1% match to that of Dr. ██████. Upon inspection, some hair from previous experiment still remained in SCP-420's upper chamber. SCP-420 thoroughly cleaned after experiment.

Interesting, SCP-420 appears to be able to mix handwriting from multiple sources. -Dr. █████████

Date: █/██/200█
Subject: Lily, a gorilla trained to paint and write rudimentary words
Procedure: A lock of Dr. ██████'s hair was inserted into SCP-420. Subject instructed to write down a dictated document.
Details: Transcribed document used extremely simple wording and grammar, but was shown as a 81.7% match to a document written by Dr. ██████ when Dr. ██████ was instructed to do the same.

Date: █/██/200█
Subject: D-8906
Procedure: A lock of SCP-053's hair was inserted into SCP-420. Subject instructed to write down a dictated document.
Details: All personnel in the test chamber who read the document immediately [DATA EXPUNGED] and [DATA EXPUNGED] before they were terminated by security personnel. Six (6) deaths recorded. Document incinerated.

Addendum 420-2:
Until further notice, testing with samples from SCPs that exhibit memetic hazards is prohibited.

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