SCP-600 has maintained this form for some time now. |
Item #: SCP-600
Object Class: Keter
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-600 is to be fed twice daily. Although it will eat virtually any edible substance, it mainly requires foods high in sugars, starches, and carbohydrates. SCP-600 is to be kept isolated from personnel, and personnel should not come into direct contact with SCP-600, for their own safety and to keep SCP-600 from reproducing.
Following event SCP-600-14, SCP-600's classification has been upgraded to Keter and the following restrictions have been imposed:
Personnel are not to provide SCP-600 with caffeine or other powerful stimulants. Feeding staff must be sterile or incapable of reproduction due to some factor before they are cleared to interact with SCP-600. This is to be confirmed by onsite medical staff prior to their assignment to SCP-600.
Because SCP-600 learns quickly, the full details of its security measures should not be disclosed to it, as former research head Dr. Moonsend believed SCP-600 would almost certainly be able to devise an escape method if it wished.
Description: SCP-600 is a creature that emerged from SCP-354 on [DATA EXPUNGED]. As it posed no evident threat to the Area or personnel, it was isolated for study. Subject's initial appearance resembled an octopus or squid, with four flexible limbs extending from a middle body roughly 16cm in diameter, which presumably contained the creature's brain and organs. SCP-600 has mainly remained in a human form, as humans are the species it mainly interacts with.
SCP-600's cells are capable of reverting to a stem cell-like state, and can alter themselves to mimic the form of virtually any species SCP-600 might encounter that is of similar mass. This same property can be used as a form of rapid healing; skin cells and other cells from non-vital areas are dumped into the blood stream and arrive at the damaged site, replacing the damaged tissue. The healing process is sufficient to repair nearly any non-lethal injury, given enough time. Cells that are fully separated from SCP-600 are not capable of regenerating in whole or in part, and simply die.
It is assumed that the primary purpose of subject's cellular rearrangement is reproduction. SCP-600 will morph itself into a form that is a near-perfect duplicate of any target species it encounters. Because SCP-600 retains its own DNA and unique cellular structure, the process is never perfect.
SCP-600's cells are capable of manufacturing viral microorganisms, which contain SCP-600's DNA. This virus can theoretically be spread through direct contact with SCP-600, though this has yet to be seen. The virus is most often spread through mating, and universally results in initial symptoms similar to that of gonorrhea. Although the symptoms will fade with time, the virus will remain active in the host's body for the duration of the host's life. The virus has differing effects on males and females.
In males, the virus targets the seminiferous tubules. The virus replaces the target cells' DNA with its own, resulting in the production of modified sperm cells. The modified cells carry a complete set of SCP-600's DNA. Any female impregnated by an infected male will have the same results as if the female had mated directly with SCP-600.
In females, the egg cells in the ovaries are targeted. The affected cells grow [DATA EXPUNGED]
In theory, a single infected female could produce several hundred of SCP-600's species, although this is obviously limited by the maximum size of [DATA EXPUNGED]
The resulting damage to the abdomen and reproductive tract is universally fatal.
Document SCP-600-1: Event Log SCP-600-14
SCP-600 had requested on several occasions that it be allowed to try coffee, which most of its researchers frequently consumed. Then-research head Dr. Moonsend approved the request, but stipulated that SCP-600 be provided with decaff, fearing unknown effects of caffeine on non-human species.
Disregarding Dr. Moonsend's stipulation, D-class personnel ███ provided SCP-600 with a large espresso drink, which SCP-600 quickly consumed. Within fifteen minutes, SCP-600 had become highly agitated, showing signs of extreme "caffeine rush." Agent █████ quickly informed Dr. Moonsend of what had happened, who arrived to speak with SCP-600.
Subject requested several times to [DATA EXPUNGED] which were denied. Finally, subject broke through the 5cm laminated glass panel separating its room and the adjoining observation room, and proceeded to [DATA EXPUNGED]. Although security was unable to reach the area in time to prevent [DATA EXPUNGED] SCP-600 collapsed after several gunshot wounds.
SCP-600, as well as its three victims, were rushed to the sector's medical area. SCP-600 eventually made a full recovery, and was placed into level-4 isolation/lockdown until O5-personnel determined its fate. As SCP-600's viral nature was not known at the time, Dr. Moonsend and Agent █████ were both released after 48 hours, although Agent █████ continued to receive psychological counseling for the next four months.
Dr. Moonsend argued that SCP-600 was suffering from temporary insanity brought on by its exposure to caffeine, with which it had no prior experience. She also argued that SCP-600 was likely acting upon its species' natural instinct, and that punishing it was unjustified. After much debate, SCP-600 was released, with new security restrictions and Keter-level classification.
Both Agent █████ and Dr. Moonsend underwent [DATA EXPUNGED] to remove the remaining traces of SCP-600's assault. Both procedures were successful with no lasting effects other than both patients now being sterile.
Document SCP-600-2: Some of the following information has been gathered through numerous interviews with SCP-600.
SCP-600 changes its appearance regularly, although it almost always remains human. It has shown no preference for male or female forms, and is apparently genderless. When asked if it was able to duplicate the appearance of specific humans, subject stated that humans all looked alike to it.
At first, SCP-600 was only capable of nonverbal communication, as it did not know any human languages, but it has since picked up English and some French. It learns very quickly, which the research team agrees is a side effect of its morphing abilities; it is capable of forming new neural pathways just as easily as it forms new muscular and bone structure. SCP-600 has also become highly adept at chess and sudoku.
SCP-600 has only vague memories of its life before emerging from SCP-354, suggesting that it had just recently been born before coming through. Therefore, SCP-600 has no knowledge of the rest of its species or what culture they might possess.
SCP-600 has made numerous requests for coffee or caffeine, as well as requests for stronger stimulants such as methamphetamine. These have all been denied for obvious reasons.
Document SCP-600-3: Informational log from O5-█.
After much debate, we have agreed that Dr. Moonsend hasn't been all right upstairs since event 600-14. She has been transferred to [DATA EXPUNGED] for psychiatric help, and will be reassigned to a new project once she recovers. Dr. Ackler has been promoted to the new head of the research team.
With new recommendations from Dr. Ackler and reevaluation of SCP-600's threat risk, its security priority has been downgraded to level three. In the event of a containment breach, SCP-600 should be terminated to prevent any further harm to personnel, as opposed to being "almost killed" and treated to medical care like a soldier who saved his captain.
Document SCP-600-4: Dr. Ackler's report on SCP-600's recent behavior
The creature, as I have come to call it, (despite most of the staff's continued use of Moonsend's term "Omni-breeder") has been eating less and has remained in a single form for over three months now. Obviously it's depressed. Several staff members have suggested that I personally talk to it or interact with it in some way, but I'm not suicidal enough to go into the observation room, bulletproof glass between us or not. Maybe we'll get lucky and the thing will kill itself or something.