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Picture taken by automatic camera with no other sapient beings present.

Item #: SCP-693

Object Class: Euclid

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-693 is held in moderate living quarters in Building █ at Site-██. It is only one floor high, and large lightning conductor protrudes from the mid-center and is raised to a height of 20m. The building itself is constructed solely of highly electro-resistive materials- naturally standard brick-and-mortar construction was used for the exterior but note also in the interior that where possible no metals have been used. Air conditioning keeps the air dry and free of humidity at all times.

Any entrant to Building █ is strongly recommended to remove metallic items from their person upon entry. The door remains unlocked at most times: should a need arise, keys are held by Dr. ██████ who can be contacted by [DATA EXPUNGED]. Within, two doors guarded at all times by Class-D personnel armed with stone weaponry. On a small table in front of them are kept a variety of these weapons: visitors are required to take one if they intended to speak with SCP-693. The left door leads to a small room with vulcanized rubber walls. The lightning conductor on the roof enters here, its end about 2m from the floor. The right-hand door is soundproofed: within are the bed, bathroom and personal items of SCP-693. He will be found here at all times except in the event of death as described below.

Description: SCP-693 is to all physical purposes a male Caucasian aged 47, 1.8m in height and 69kg in weight, with short greying hair. He has a fairly abrasive personality with a tendency towards facetious and sarcastic comments: reports from Psychoanalysis Division ██ indicate that this seems to be an attempt to discourage people from making repeat contact with him, which in light of his condition is perhaps understandable.

If any sapient being makes contact with SCP-693 and is in his vicinity, SCP-693's body will begin to emit small electrical sparks from his pores. These have voltages of up to about 2V, and of no danger to most individuals. However, upon the sapient being leaving the presence of SCP-693 the strength and radius of these sparks will increase exponentially. They pose no direct danger to either SCP-693 or the sapient being: however, any conductive material on either's person can serve as a conduit which will remove the immunity inherent in the effect. The only way of breaking this link between the being and SCP-693 is for the being to terminate SCP-693's life, either with their bare hands or using a weapon which will not conduct electricity. Upon death the radius of the electric effect will reduce until only SCP-693's body is covered by it: after a few seconds it will rapidly and brightly discharge in all directions, leaving a small pile of dust behind.

In due course the local pressure in the area will build up and storm clouds will form directly above SCP-693's place of death. Lightning will strike: it should be noted that while this will ordinarily strike directly above the reamins of SCP-693, lightning rods and other localized conductors can prevent this. Where the bolt strikes, SCP-693's body will instantly reform, and after a few minutes he will regain consciousness. If the death event occurs in Building ██ then the normal procedure is for all personnel to leave the building while SCP-693 returns to his cell: normally this takes a matter of minutes.

SCP-693 was picked up in a lighthouse off the coast of [DATA EXPUNGED]. He has apparently lived there for around 30 years: when questioned locals reported that he was often sighted now and then from the shore but had never made any kind of contact with the mainland: the lighthouse had been fully operational during that time. Only when the lighthouse failed to light for two days was an expedition made: the party apparently found SCP-693 unconscious on the floor having tripped and banged his head. Upon awakening he repeatedly screamed at the villagers to leave. Upon doing so the effect noted above apparently occurred. The resulting apparent lightning storm was 400m in radius: the boat of the villagers was sunk but one man successfully swam to shore: his continued survival provided the impetus for the resulting two-day continued effect. It seems the rest of the nearby village perished, as it was within the 400m range. It seems relevant authorities within ███████████ were informed of an extranormal event: the SCP's usual method for intercepting this information, the [DATA EXPUNGED], referred the information to the nearest SCP site. A recon operation was ordered. The surviving villager was interviewed by SCP Agent █████ on-site and much of the information in this document comes from information extracted from him. Regrettably he perished during interview: upon this occurrence, however, the lightning storm subsided, and concurrently SCP-693 was recovered. After a few false starts involving his unique affliction, he was removed to temporary confinement at Site ██ until Building ██ was constructed. He has proved unhelpful during interview: as such many of his requests for amenities have been denied. He has been at the current facility since ██/██/████.

Addendum: The potential for using SCP-693's ability as a detector for sapience in other SCPs has not been ruled out. This proposal is currently waiting for approval by [DATA EXPUNGED]. The filer of this request was Dr. ██████ who can, as noted above, be contacted by [DATA EXPUNGED] with a pencil [DATA EXPUNGED] parking lot [DATA EXPUNGED] except on ██████ and Mardi Gras.

Note: SCP-693's death results in weather patterns which are almost always extraordinary and therefore essentially a flashing signal to any keen amateur meteorologists nearby that "something odd is going on here and you should probably come and have a look see". Therefore, the practice of de-sensitizing squeamish Class-D personnel by giving them a rock and directing them to Building ██ will henceforth result in Class-D status being granted to all parties involved.

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