Item #: SCP-767
Object Class: Euclid (see below)
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-767 should be stored inside the zirconium box in which it was originally found. In the event that box is not available, an enclosure at least 200x120x76mm, constructed of 5mm zirconium or hafnium of at least 90% purity will suffice. Though SCP-148 is superior to Zr or Hf with respect to attenuating SCP-767's mental compulsion effect, the effect has been deemed insufficiently hazardous to warrant using the scarce supply of SCP-148.
All personnel must be fully briefed on both the mental compulsion effects and the physical effects of SCP-767 before being allowed any contact. It should be emphasized that the sex shift it causes in men cannot be reversed by any known means, including SCP-113. Consequently, all personnel handling SCP-767 must be female, unless they have signed a Form AT-210-Z(767) waiver. Class D personnel are exempt from this requirement.
Any person affected by SCP-767 must report to medical for observation. All specimens of SCP-767-3 produced as a result of such exposure must be collected and securely stored in accordance with procedure M4096-Uniform. Hindering such collection and storage, or failing to notify medical of exposure is a serious offense: violators are subject to disciplinary measures up to and including termination.
Any specimens of 767-4 encountered or collected by any means should be taken to Secure Containment Area [REDACTED] and maintained at a temperature of no more than 200 Kelvin in transit. Temperatures below 150K will result in cellular damage and eventual death of the specimen but that is to be considered an acceptable risk to prevent [DATA EXPUNGED].
SCP-767-1 can be treated as a Safe-class object provided that the above procedures are observed, and SCP-767-2 is entirely mundane.
Description: SCP-767 is a pair of ornamental metal bracelets studded with pieces of facet-cut garnet. When recovered, they were stored inside a machined zirconium box. The box, designated SCP-767-2, appears to have been milled from a single large block of nearly-pure zirconium metal sealed with a coat of clear lacquer. The lower half is engraved with the marking 'MADE IN THE UNITED KINGDOM' in 7mm Helvetica block-letters. Despite its unusual workmanship and composition, it appears otherwise unremarkable and devoid of any unusual properties.
The bracelets themselves, designated SCP-767-1, are composed of an alloy of platinum-group metals, shown by mass spectrography to be 64% Ir, 18% Pt, 15% Re, the remaining 2% being mostly Os, with traces of Ni and Fe. The bracelets are typically about 80mm in diameter, but are always large enough to fit on the wrist of the person attempting to wear them. They have never actually been observed in the act of changing size, however, in tests, a person with a wrist diameter of 107mm was able to put them on.
When donned, SCP-767 will instantly turn a male wearer female. The nature of this transformation is unknown, but it appears to at least partially regenerate the body: in one case, a test subject whose testes were lost to cancer transformed into a female with functioning ovaries. In another, a test subject missing hs left leg transformed into a female with both legs present and fully functional. See Chief Medical Officer's Log CMO-5112-G(767) for more information. In all cases, the subject's height, mass and overall build have remained approximately constant barring mass gains associated with regenerated limbs or organs. The transformation takes less than 2 seconds and is accompanied by a brilliant flash of white light which appears to emanate from the wearer. At close range the flash is sufficiently intense to blind and cause first degree flash burns, though its effect diminishes much more quickly than the inverse-square law predicts. In all known cases, the wearer was not harmed by the flash, though their clothes are often mildly singed.
In all cases so far observed, females who don the bracelets initially seem to be unaffected. However, within 1-2 weeks of exposure, they begin to report feelings of unease or wrongness. Approximately a week after this, subjects report symptoms which resemble early pregnancy. This progresses over a further 8 weeks to a condition resembling a pregnancy of 40 weeks gestation, with anomalous sonographic and radiographic findings. Shortly thereafter, the victim gives birth to a number of egg-like objects, designated SCP-767-3. Numerous clinical features of this pregnancy and delivery are highly irregular: see Chief Medical Officer's Log CMO-5511-O(767), Incident Reports I767-1-A, I767-1-B, I767-1-C and Recovery Log R767-1-A for details.
SCP-767-3 is also highly unusual. The objects are ovoid masses approximately 125mm in diameter and between 200mm and 230mm in length along the long axis. Their exteriors are composed of a green cryptocrystalline silica-based mineral, similar to aventurine. This outer shell is completely reflective of ultrasound and absorbs X-rays and gamma rays at typical radiography doses, making non-destructive testing of the objects virtually impossible. The shells also proved exceedingly difficult to break, yielding only once subjected to a pressure of 1.24 GPa.
Specimens of SCP-767-3 are internally composed of an outer membrane to which the shell is bonded, inside of which are several clusters of undifferentiated cells floating in a fluid rich in proteins and amino acids. The cells contain a mixture of human and unknown DNA, with the human sequences matching those of the mother. The unknown DNA has characteristics reminiscent of members of the modern Archosauria clade, but corresponding to no known order, family or genus. The internal structure of the eggs is unlike that of any known animal.
Proper conditions for maturation and hatching of the eggs are unknown. Reasonable guesses can be made based on [DATA EXPUNGED] during Incident I-767-1-D [REDACTED] I-767-1-K or [DATA EXPUNGED], after the appearance of SCP-767-4. 767-4 was neutralized by a 76mm VT-FRAG shell fired by SCPS Guardian after withstanding numerous 10mm Auto JHP and 5.56x45mm AP rounds with no apparent effect. Data collected on 767-4 during [REDACTED] do not suggest but cannot entirely rule out the possible risk of an XK-class or BI-class apocalyptic event; consequently 767-3 must be treated with extreme care and positive control must be maintained at all times. SCP-767-4 should be treated as a Euclid-class entity pending review for possible upgrade due to [REDACTED] and its cross-reaction with SCP-███ and the marked interest displayed by SCP-███. All other known samples of 767-3 have remained inert to date.
Addendum 001-A: Personnel working in the vicinity of SCP-767 have reported an intense desire to wear the bracelets. The strength of this effect, and the time for it to fade are both directly proportional to the duration of exposure.
The compulsion effect radiates outward from SCP-767-1 to a radius of 250m, however, storing them inside SCP-767-2 or another enclosure made of zirconium reduces the radius of the effect to 2m. The intensity of the compulsion depends solely on the proximity of the subject to the item. As revealed by Incident I767-1-G, long-duration (over 8 hours) exposure to the compulsion field has the same effect on women as wearing the bracelets.
Addendum 001-B: During capture and recovery of SCP-775, a specimen of SCP-767-3 was discovered. Further investigation revealed that an unknown person had been inquiring after the item for several days prior to [DATA EXPUNGED]. The unknown person is presumed to be affiliated with Marshall, Carter and Dark Ltd. based on evidence collected by [REDACTED].
Addendum 001-C: Permission has been requested for cross-reaction experiments with SCP-040 to see if it's possible to revert those sex-shifted to their original sex.
Item #: SCP-767
Object Class: Euclid
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-767 should be stored inside the zirconium box in which it was originally found. In the event that box is not available, an enclosure of sufficient size and of similar composition should suffice. All personnel shall be fully briefed on both the mental compulsion effects and the physical effects of SCP-767 before being allowed any contact. All personnel handling SCP-767 must be female, unless appropriate waivers have been filed. Class D personnel are exempt from this requirement.
All specimens of SCP-767-3 produced as a result of such exposure must be collected and securely stored in accordance with procedure M4096-U. Hindering such collection and storage, or failing to notify medical of exposure is a serious offense: violators are subject to disciplinary measures up to and including termination.
SCP-767-4 is an immediate and severe local threat. No reliable nonlethal means of capture is currently known. Capture is preferable if practical, but when not, destruction of the entities is permitted without further authorization. Failure to prevent the spread of SCP-767-4 into populated areas may result in [DATA EXPUNGED]. Any live specimens of 767-4 collected should be taken to Secure Containment Area ██, maintained at a temperature of no more than 200 Kelvin in transit. Temperatures below 150K will result in cellular damage and eventual death of the specimen but that is considered an acceptable risk to prevent reanimation.
Description: SCP-767 consists of a pair of ornamental metal bracelets studded with pieces of facet-cut garnet. When recovered, they were stored inside a machined zirconium box. The box, designated SCP-767-2, appears to have been milled from a single large block of nearly-pure zirconium metal sealed with a coat of clear lacquer. The lower half is engraved with the marking 'MADE IN THE UNITED KINGDOM' in 7mm Helvetica. Despite its unusual workmanship and composition, it appears otherwise unremarkable and devoid of any unusual properties. Anonymous sources have reported the sighting of at least █ similar boxes in [DATA EXPUNGED]. This raises the possibility that there may be more examples of SCP-767 uncontained and unaccounted for.
The bracelets themselves, designated SCP-767-1, are composed of an alloy of platinum-group metals, primarily iridium and platinum, but with significant quantities of other elements. The bracelets are variable in size, always large enough to fit on the wrist of the person attempting to wear them.
In all cases so far observed, females who don the bracelets initially seem to be unaffected. However, within 1-2 weeks of exposure, they begin to report feelings of unease or wrongness. Approximately a week after this, subjects report symptoms which resemble early pregnancy. This condition progresses over a further 8 weeks to a condition resembling a pregnancy of 40 weeks gestation, with anomalous sonographic and radiographic findings. Shortly thereafter, the victim gives birth to a number of egg-like objects, designated SCP-767-3. Numerous clinical features of this pregnancy and delivery are highly irregular: see Chief Medical Officer's Log CMO-5511-O(767), Incident Report I767-1-A, and Recovery Log R767-1-A for details.
The results of a man donning the bracelets aren't known with certainty. The first known exposure victim, however, became extremely emotional when presented with the idea, managing to state only [DATA EXPUNGED]. Scraps of tissue were recovered from the initial site which had XXY sex chromosomes - this may imply [REDACTED]. Testing with D-class personnel has been scheduled to clarify the situation.
SCP-767-3 are ovoid masses approximately 125mm in diameter and between 200mm and 230mm in length along the long axis. Their exteriors are composed of a green silica-based mineral, similar to aventurine. This outer shell is completely reflective of ultrasound and absorbs X-rays and gamma rays at typical radiography doses, making non-destructive testing of the objects virtually impossible. The shells also proved exceedingly difficult to break. Specimens of SCP-767-3 are internally composed of an outer membrane to which the shell is bonded, inside of which several clusters of undifferentiated cells float in a fluid rich in proteins and amino acids. The cells contain a mixture of human and unknown DNA, with the human sequences matching those of the mother. The unknown DNA has characteristics reminiscent of members of the modern Archosauria clade, but corresponding to no known order, family or genus. The internal structure of the eggs is unlike that of any known animal.
Proper conditions for maturation and hatching of the eggs are unknown, however, in at least three cases, they have hatched. The creatures, designated SCP-767-4, which hatched from the eggs were slightly different in all cases, but shared a number of similar characteristics. These include tremendous agility, flight, aggression and durability. During incident I767-4-A, the creatures were observed to withstand fire from 10mm handguns, 5.56mm rifles and 7.62mm machine guns with no significant effect, though 76mm shells from SCPS Guardian were able to kill them. During incidents I767-4-B and I767-4-C, the hatchlings were observed to head for cool, dark places, showing a preference for underground locations. The creatures observed in incident A, however, acted in a disorganized manner, lashing out violently in apparently random directions. The reason for this has not been firmly established. All three known hatching incidents resulted in significant equipment and property damage and personnel casualties.
Addendum 001: Personnel working in the vicinity of SCP-767 have reported an intense desire to wear the bracelets. The strength of this effect, and the time for it to fade are both directly proportional to the duration of exposure.
The compulsion effect radiates outward from SCP-767-1 to a radius of 250m, however, storing them inside SCP-767-2 or another enclosure made of zirconium reduces the radius of the effect to 2m. The intensity of the compulsion depends on the proximity of the subject to the item. As revealed by Incident I767-1-G, long-duration (over 8 hours) exposure to the compulsion field has the same effect on women as wearing the bracelets.
Addendum 002: Foundation agents operating in Vietnam have uncovered evidence of a possible attack by SCP-767-4. The origin of the creatures has not been identified, but agents are investigating leads centered on a woman who recently received a package shipped from Glasgow, Scotland, bearing the logo of █████████, ██████, ███ ████. The creatures responsible for the attack have not been located.
Addendum 003: Authorization obtained to begin experimentation on D-class personnel. Three D-class, one male, one female and one intersexed, have been identified. Experiments slated to begin shortly, under the supervision of Drs. Sorenssen and Kotov.
Experiment Log 767-1-A:
Subjects: 3 D-class personnel, designated D-001, D-002 and D-003, who have been granted termination waivers for the duration of experiments. D-001 is a nulliparous Caucasian female, age 29, height 179cm, weight 74kg. D-002 is an Australian aboriginal male, age 26, height 181cm, weight 91kg. D-003 is a Caucasian intersex, height 177cm, weight 71kg, who primarily identifies as female and has a uterus but has no functioning ovaries, and does have testes and a penis and is fully fertile as a male.
Subjects are exposed within the same hour, each wearing the bracelets for a total of 15 minutes. No significant reaction was noted at time of exposure. All subjects seem normal at 1 week post-exposure, and normal except reports of vague "feelings of wrongness" at 2 and 3 weeks post-exposure.
Examination findings, 4 weeks post-exposure: Subject D-001 has positive blood and urine pregnancy tests and pelvic exam findings consistent with early first trimester pregnancy. Further examination not conducted, data in Chief Medical Officer's log considered sufficient at this juncture. D-002 has positive blood and urine pregnancy tests, depressed testosterone levels. X-ray and sonographic examination of the abdomen reveals two radioopaque masses surrounded by tissue, each approximately 12mm in diameter. Subject reports no discomfort. D-003 has positive blood and urine pregnancy tests and pelvic exam findings consistent with early first trimester pregnancy. Sonography inconclusive. X-rays of the abdomen show six radioopaque masses, about 18mm in diameter each.
Examination findings, 6 weeks post-exposure: Subject D-001's examination findings are unremarkable except for the speed of progression. Her pelvic exam findings are consistent with a woman of 12 weeks gestation. X-rays not taken for D-001. D-002 continues to show markedly reduced testosterone levels. Subject also exhibits visible abdominal distension and complains of pain and feelings of movement. D-003's findings are largely consistent with D-001's. D-003 does have markedly higher estrogen levels than at last examination. No source for the feelings of movement can be found, nor can they be tied to any normal phenomena such as muscular twitches or intestinal gas. Current hypothesis is that they are psychosomatic.
Examination findings, 10 weeks post-exposure: Subject D-001's findings are largely consistent with a woman of 32 weeks gestation. X-rays show eight radioopaque masses, slightly smaller than typical specimens of SCP-767-3. D-003 shows similar signs, save that the masses are approximately 40% larger than those in D-001. D-002 shows numerous anomalous physical findings, documented below.
Examination of D-002, 10 weeks post-exposure: Subject D-002 has experienced a doubling of abdominal girth since exposure. X-rays show five radioopaque masses, similar in size to those in D-001. D-002's hematologic findings have become highly anomalous, showing complete neutropenia and zero platelet count, though the subject exhibits none of the usual symptoms of these conditions. Externally, the subject has changed drastically. His skin has [DATA EXPUNGED] together with drastic changes in the morphology of the scapula and humerus. Silicon dioxide has begun replacing keratin in the nails, and silica inclusions are visible [DATA EXPUNGED]. Subject's saliva contains traces of robustotoxin and several other novel toxic proteins and peptides. Subject has been moved to isolation.
Examination findings, subject D-001, 12 weeks 2 days post-exposure: Subject D-001 began to complain of uterine contractions 2 hours before scheduled examination. Contractions are typical of normal parturition, but progressing rapidly. Precipitous progression has been noted in all cases so far including both Victim Zero and Agent █████. This experiment largely confirms that precipitous delivery is characteristic of SCP-767 infestation. Subject delivers seven specimens of SCP-767-3 two hours after contractions begin. As noted in previous cases, amniotic fluid is abnormally viscous and a much greater volume was expelled than expected. After delivery, subject was moved to isolation, SCP-767-3 specimens placed in cold storage containment.
Examination findings, Subject D-003, 12 weeks 4 days post-exposure: Subject D-003 experienced a similar course of labor and delivery to D-001, though the elapsed time from onset of contractions to delivery was four hours. Six SCP-767-3 were delivered, which were 40% larger than those from D-001, resulting in significant trauma. Subject remains unconscious following delivery. Subject D-003 died of blood loss despite lifesaving measures.
Examination findings, Subject D-002, 12 weeks 5 days post-exposure: Subject awoke abruptly at 0230 and began to vomit violently. Metal surfaces in contact with the vomit are observed to smoke. Subject appears to suffer a grand mal seizure 10 minutes after the onset of vomiting, after which [DATA EXPUNGED]. Emergency klaxons sounded, lockdown protocols initiated. [DATA EXPUNGED] Site security declares Level 1 containment breach. 4 site security staff are killed by SCP-767-4 specimens. Security camera footage shows entities unfazed by fire from multiple M240 machine guns. [DATA EXPUNGED]
Containment restored after intense fighting with numerous casualties. It is the recommendation of the research team that no further testing of SCP-767 on men be conducted. Further testing on intersexed individuals may be meritorious in light of [REDACTED].