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Item #: SCP-894

Object Class: Safe

Special Containment Procedures: All copies of SCP-894 are available for researcher use. When not checked out, copies of SCP-894 are to be stored in SCP containment locker 12 at Site 19.

Description: SCP-894 is a number of small plastic monkeys, shaped in such a way that the monkeys hands are covering its mouth. On the bottom of each copy is stamped 'The Factory.' Copies of SCP-894 are easily destroyed, whether through brute strength or applied heat.

When any living being come within five meters of SCP-894, and becomes visually aware of said SCP, they lose all ability to speak for 24 hours.

The first instance of SCP-894 was found hanging outside the complaint office of [DATA EXPUNGED]. There are currently seven copies of SCP-894 in Foundation hands.

NOTE: Researchers should be made aware, Dr. Bright keeps a copy of SCP-894 in plain view on his desk. -O5-6

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