SCP-926 |
Item #: SCP-926
Object Class: Euclid
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-926 is to be kept in a triple-locked containment safe located in ██████████'s office. Access to SCP-926 is restricted to Level 3 clearance unless approved access by ██████████ is given. All personnel handling SCP-926 are ordered to wear standard surgical gloves, and are to avoid direct physical contact with the device.
Description: SCP-926 is a BlackBerry 7250 smartphone, black in color. It has a standard full QWERTY keyboard and a 240x160 color pixel screen, and is virtually indistinguishable from normal products of its model, with the exception of a small label of indeterminate origin placed over the back of the unit, and the lack of a power supply port. How SCP-926 remains active without recharging is unknown. Any attempts to disassemble SCP-926 have resulted in [DATA EXPUNGED].
When activated without a user, SCP-926 begins to emit a subtle hypersonic resonance barely recognizable to human ears. This resonance not only brings SCP-926 to people's attention, but also entices its listener to handle SCP-926. Subjects have described themselves being compelled to pick SCP-926 up, despite the presence of more advanced models of phones nearby or even owned by the subject themselves. This attraction magnifies with each individual observing SCP-926. The more attention SCP-926 receives, the more violent the subject's attempts to obtain it grow. During its initial retrieval and transportation into its containment, several Class D personnel fought for control of SCP-926, resulting in three Class D's terminations and the hospitalization of several agents. The victor, D-6753, became SCP-926's first test subject, referred to as SCP-926-D
When handled, SCP-926 begins to take a subtle effect on its user's personality and physical appearance. Through prolonged use, the subject using SCP-926 begins to become infatuated with the device, using it on a constant, continual basis. As it is used, SCP-926 begins to effectively absorb its victim's identity into it through an observed pattern.
The first observed symptom is the deterioration of the victim's fingerprints, making them impossible to trace through AFIS or any other fingerprint database. Following this, the user will appear to begin compulsively compiling any and all personal information, such as driver's licenses, social security numbers, birth certificate information, and insurance information, as well as occasional journals or diaries, and enter it into SCP-926. Afterwards, the user begins to destroy all physical copies of this information, usually through burning or shredding.
Finally, the subject will begin to undergo an observed physical and mental deterioration process. The sufferers's hair will begin to dissipate, followed by a slow draining of the color from the person's irises. SCP-926 will then begin to destroy the victims's mental cognition. The first noted diminishment occurs in the victim's short-term memory, followed by cognitive and motor skills. Soon the subject's long-term memory is affected, followed quickly by the brainstem, rendering them into a vegetative state. SCP-926 will then be dropped as the subject collapses, where it will then be found by the next person to discover it. Cranial scans have shown that the process is simple necrosis of the brain tissue, similar to damage done by advanced progression of syphilis. This process varies in length, sometimes requiring as little as two days to as much as a month.
Examination of SCP-926's files have shown an abnormally large amount of information, much larger then the standard 7250 hard drive could hold. To date, SCP-926 contains the information of [DATA EXPUNGED] individuals, of varying genders, ages, races, and backgrounds.
Addendum: "We've dedicated a squad of E-Class scouts to find as many of the victims of SCP-926 as possible. When found, they are to be detained for further study into the prolonged effects of 926's process." -Dr. Clarkke