Item #: SCP-947
Object Class: Keter
Special Containment Procedures: The zone labeled as SCP-947 has been evacuated under pretense of radioactive contamination. Five charges of 10 kilograms of plutonium were buried within a 5-km radius of ground zero to create said activity should there be investigation by a civilian science team. Because of this, maintenance personnel must always wear radiological protection when entering zone SCP-947. Any unauthorized person(s) entering a 2-km radius of ground zero are to be terminated and their remains incinerated. The door below the basement stairs at SCP-947 is to remain closed at all time. Should maintenance personnel find it unlocked upon arrival, they are to vacate the premises and report the incident to a commanding officer. Maintenance personnel are not allowed to remain at ground zero at night; failure to abide by this command will be its own punishment.
Description: SCP-947 is an unknown spectral entity which resides in the basement of a house (herein referred to as 'ground zero') in [DATA EXPUNGED]. The entity's activity predominantly consists of opening and widening a fault in the foundation of the house, using this fault to extend its reach.
The fault appeared in house in the late 1980s. Nearby residents had been experiencing various malign symptoms, including abnormal illness, cancer, mental degradation, and death. The entity was identified on June 5th, 19██, after the residents of ground zero were found dead. Remaining unprotected within the quarantine zone for prolonged periods will produce similar effects.
The nature and motives of the entity are unknown. There have been no indications of intelligence, although a vague impression of personal malice has been reported by several personnel. However, this may be attributable to the onset of certain mental disorders in response to the presence of SCP-947. Though its activity level is erratic and unpredictable, it seems to be most consistently active at around 3:00 AM. Electronic surveillance shows severe spatial anomalies appearing within the house between 3:00 AM and 3:30 AM, consisting of [DATA EXPUNGED]
Past observations indicate that the entity could extend its reach beyond the quarantine zone if the fault is expanded further. The fault is to be sealed daily to prevent this. The fault will reappear within 12 hours of being sealed.
Maintenance personnel are to go to the house at 12:00 PM every day to seal the fault with concrete. No fewer than 3 at a time must be together in the house. Remaining after nightfall is strongly discouraged.
There is no known way of repelling the entity. Should any personnel be attacked by the entity, they are to be terminated immediately and the body destroyed. It is believed the entity is seeking a host, though it has yet to manifest in any personnel.
Addendum: Activity increasing, the fault is expanding faster. Recommend shifting to a bi-daily sealing at 6 AM and 6 PM. Science wants cameras placed in the house to observe spatial anomalies. Recommend getting new eggheads, those ones seem to keep forgetting that all equipment placed in the house is irrecoverable in the morning. Command wants to know why we are keeping that thing and not just trying to find a way to get rid of it.
Incident report: The door below the basement stairs has been found open every morning for the last 5 days. This is hindering containment procedures, requesting a stronger lock.
Incident report: Door below basement stairs was found open again. Severe spatial anomaly revealed, previous contents of the cellar are now gone. Door now leads to a long hall with several more doors in it. Attempts to break into the tunnel by digging outside the house have been fruitless as the hall apparently does not exist unless you enter it through this specific door. Science has sent a robotic unit inside to explore, details listed in report #3220 copied below. The cellar has since restabilized and its previous contents have returned.
Addendum: One of the cameras that had been placed in the house in 19██ in an attempt to understand the phenomenon has been recovered today. Footage found intact, lasts 87 minutes, contents [DATA EXPUNGED]
Addendum: Direct order from O5-11 to either find a use for SCP-947 or to find a way to permanently neutralize it in an acceptable manner within the next 168 hours.
Report #3220: Unit was first sent down the hall in an attempt to reach the end and learn its full length. Unit was stopped after 25 miles with no end in sight as signal was getting too weak. Sent back 15 miles to offer a proper signal. Opening one of the doors reveals [DATA EXPUNGED]. Extra-dimensional entity then attacked the unit and then either damaged its transmitter or its operating computer.
Chapel containing SCP-947. |
Item #: SCP-947
Object Class: Keter
Special Containment Procedures: Site 110 surrounds SCP-947. Civilian access to Site 110 is restricted under pretense of radioactive contamination. Any civilians who enter the premises of Site 110 must be administered Class-A amnesiacs and returned to the nearest city.
The fault in the basement of Zone-947 is to be filled with plain concrete at 0600 and 1800 daily. Personnel are to evacuate a 2km radius danger zone around SCP-947 after 2100. No personnel are to enter the danger zone after sunset.
The anomalous doorway within Zone-947 is to be barred shut unless exploration is ordered by Site Command.
The entity known as SCP-947 has assaulted personnel within Zone-947 at or after dusk, afterwa[DATA EXPUNGED]. In light of this, personnel directly harmed by SCP-947 after 1700 are to be terminated, their remains incinerated and utilized in the fault seal. See Addendum.
Description: SCP-947 is a malevolent spectral entity which resides in the basement of a rural chapel in [DATA EXPUNGED], henceforth Zone-947. The entity’s activity predominantly consists of widening a fault which has formed across the basement floor. The fault within Zone-947 will constantly work itself open; the apparent size of the opening corresponds with aggression displayed by SCP-947, as well as the effective area of influence.
The nature of SCP-947 is currently unknown; while there have been no indications of intelligence, a definite sense of personal malice has been reported by all personnel working in and around Zone-947. Anomalous, violent kinetic phenomena have been recorded upon entering Zone-947; usually, this activity will subside within a few minutes. Similar activity has been recorded when personnel are absent from the premises; in addition, several aural and spatial anomalies have been recognized [DATA EXPUNGED].
Personnel working within Zone-947 show an increased prevalence of insomnia, paranoia, acute irritability, viral infections, nausea, muscle and joint aches, nightmares, and chronic epistaxis after exposure to SCP-947’s area of influence. This is considered normal; if symptoms worsen, personnel are to contact presiding Level 3 personnel.
On ██/██/1983, a door appeared during a complete blackout within SCP-947, at approximately 03:04. Exploration into the door reveals an apparently unlimited length of hallway, resembling the design used in the ██████ Hotel in ███ █████, ██████, a city to the direct east of SCP-947. No relation between the locations has been discovered. A swaying figure is visible under extremely high telescopic magnification down the hallway. The nature of the figure is unknown.
Addendum: Assault. On ██/██/1981, SCP-947 assaulted Agent ███████ and drew him into the fault. Approximately 3 hours later, mild seismic activity was measured, the source being beneath Zone-947. Personnel encountered Ag[DATA EXPUNGED]eutralized; basement was flooded with concrete immediately after this event. Personnel resumed the regular schedule after a three day surveillance period. Surveillance and maintenance was increased.
Addendum: Exploration. A robotic exploration drone was tasked down the hallway which appeared within Zone-947. Drone traveled approximately 5.6 kilometres before being recalled; anomalous figure appeared no closer than from the entrance. At the time of recall, the drone’s video feed cut and the hallway door slammed shut, and was unable to be opened for one hour. Drone was found at 06:09 the next morning, incorporated into the fault seal. Seal required no maintenance for two days.
An interior view of Site-947. |
Item #: SCP-947
Object Class: Euclid
Special Containment Procedures: The area containing SCP-947 (Hereby referred to as Site-947) has been purchased by a Foundation front company. Civilian access to Site-947 has been restricted. Personnel working in Site-947 are required to undergo monthly psychiatric evaluations. Personnel are not allowed to remain at Site-947 after 22:00 and may not enter until 06:00. All personnel are to evacuate Site-947 upon sightings of SCP-947-1 until the demanifestation of the instances.
SCP-947-2 is to be filled with plain concrete at 19:00 daily. Several containers of sand have been placed around Site-947 in order to mitigate the resulting effects should this not be feasible. No personnel are allowed within the basement from 21:00 to 07:00.
No personnel are allowed on the third floor of Site-947 between 20:00 to 08:00.
Description: SCP-947 refers to a set of phenomena relating to the abandoned ███████ Hotel and Casino, located in Las Vegas, Nevada.
SCP-947-1 refers to a set of spectral entities that manifest within Site-947. SCP-947-1 manifest most often between 22:00 and 06:00, although manifestations have been recorded at various times. SCP-947-1 instances are silent, and are either unwilling or unable to interact with anything other than another SCP-947-1 instance. Body language of SCP-947-1 instances suggests extreme emotional discomfort. SCP-947-1 instances will generally demanifest approximately one hour after manifestation. There are currently nine (9) recorded individual variants of SCP-947-1.
Personnel working around SCP-947-1 for extended periods display increased prevalence of immunodeficiency disorders, insomnia, and depression. Currently, there are no known ways of directly interacting with SCP-947-1.
SCP-947-2 is a fault located in the basement of Site-947. When not sealed, SCP-947-2 will slowly widen. Sealing SCP-947-2 with concrete will stop the widening process. The amount of unfilled space within SCP-947-2 appears to correspond with the frequency of SCP-947-1 manifestations. All foreign matter present within SCP-947-2 will disappear completely at 18:18 daily.
At 03:00, various objects currently not attached to the walls, ceiling, or floor will disappear from their current location and reappear incorporated into SCP-947-2. Objects will be crudely modified to fit inside SCP-947-2 so as to leave little open space. This only occurs if SCP-947-2 is not completely filled in by 03:00 and if suitable objects are present within Site-947.
SCP-947-3 refers to a door on the third floor not present in the original floor plan. Its current positioning suggest it would be used as a side entrance to room 321. However, to date, all attempts at opening SCP-947-3 have failed.
A handwritten note appears on SCP-947-3 each day at 18:18. To date, the note has been identical across all iterations. Aside from its spontaneous appearance, the note possesses no anomalous properties. The author of this note has not yet been identified.
Addendum [947-1]: As of 11/10/1988, SCP-947-2's rate of expansion appears to have increased. In addition, SCP-947-1 manifestations have increased in frequency. Recommending increased funding towards Site-947 in order to research more efficient containment methods.
Addendum [947-2]: As of 23/10/1989, new containment procedures have been implemented to more effectively seal SCP-947-2. Mid-day SCP-947-1 manifestations have decreased by 90%. A slight increase in manifestations in the basement and third floor compared to other floors has been noted.
Addendum [947-3]: SCP-947-1 have recently been recorded converging around SCP-947-2 at 03:00, attempting unsuccessfully to reopen SCP-947-3. This behavior is to be considered normal, and any change in this behavior is to be reported to Site Command.
Document 947-A: The following note has been found attached to SCP-947-3 on a daily basis since containment began in 8/11/1978.
I really shouldn't have to tell you this, you know? I mean, I assume your mother told you about the importance of fostering good relationships with others.
I know, I know. You're a powerful person. You don't need anyone else; I mean, you already have what you wanted, right? Why be a good person if it doesn't satisfy your cravings and ego?
Still, I don't believe I ask much from associates or hell, even my customers, you know? Bit of honesty, trust, not attempting to stab me when my back is turned; stuff that comes with a lot of agreements. I understand you feel the need to hurt others who get in your way, or perhaps feel a compulsive need to do so, but come on. Can't you focus your targets on something more appropriate, like someone who actually has it out for you? I mean, it still won't fill that empty part of your soul, but hey, it's useful for someone.
Whether I'm telling you this because you're a thief, cheater, or just all-around terrible person doesn't really matter. Truth is, I actually don't care what you do with the rest of your life. Steal more from me, make me look like a fool, hell, just be an annoying human being. I can't stop you now, and probably can't do anything to you in your current lifetime.
I just wanted you to know that you'll be thinking of this note much later on, and if you can't move on afterwards, it's probably your own fault.
You'll know what I mean.